Saturday, 19 July 2008

Saturday 19th July

We had a bit of a lazy day today. We went across the river this morning to the Elsan station where we also filled up with fresh water. While I was doing this Christine went into town to get the paper. Having completed the replenishment we signalled to Linda that we were leaving and so we both got underway. We only went as far as Waterbeach having negotiated the lock at Baits Bite in tandem. The wind that was forecast hadn't really got up to any strength at this time so the anticipated problems never arose and both boats got through unscathed. The trip up to the lock was a case of dodging the rowing eights that all seemed to be out training but we managed to get through them without causing any catastrophies.

We had a walk around the village of Waterbeach which apart from a couple of pubs and a few picture postcard cottages, is of no real consequence. We have decided to spend Sunday on this mooring to get upto date with the cleaning etc. (yes it's not all beer and skittles ) and as Christine keeps reminding me "You are not on holiday you know!!!".

Only a couple of pictures I'm afraid one of the very imposing house that the warden/baliff of the Cam Coscervancey (the body that is responsible for the river from Waterbeach to Cambridge) lives in, nice work if you can get it.

and the other showing the weekend build up of boats on the mooring, luckily we got here early enough to get the best positions away from the bridge we are the last boat but one Linda's being the last. We will probably go to The Bridge Hotel tomorrow for Sunday Lunch after all our hard exertions

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